Polychromy Research Project > Reconstructions >
Cuirassed Torso from the Athenian Acropolis (Variant B)
So-called cuirassed torso from the Acropolis in Athens, Variant B, colour reconstruction (plaster, gilding, natural pigment according to the Price Method in tempera technique). Executed by: Sylvia Kellner, Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann.
(Liebieghaus Sculpture Collection, Frankfurt ST.P686)
Applied methods:
UVF=Ultraviolet Fluorescence (Schott KV 418)
UVR=Ultraviolet Reflectography (Schott UG1 or Schott BG12)
VM=Visual Light Stereo Microscopy (10-50x, Zeiss & Olympus)
RL=Raking Light (Schott KL1500)
NLBW=Photography in visible light, black & white
NLCOLOR=Photography in visible light, full color
MPH=Macro Photography (via Microscope or Macro lenses)
research campaign 1982...>
research campaign 1983...>
(c) Vinzenz Brinkmann 2018, Polychromy Research Project